Sunday, April 27, 2008

More on Twine

I'm still playing with Twine, and it's growing on me. It's like on steroids.

So, I've started a twine called The Examined Web, where I'm going to collect stories about the social, economic and political impacts of Web 2.0 / the Semantic Web / [insert other Web-related buzzwords here]. That means that I probably won't be doing Link Roundups here anymore, unless I've got a group of stories that I want to comment on and not just point people to. So if you're interested in that kind of stuff, join the twine! You have to join Twine itself first, but I've got 10 invitations for it, so leave a comment here or e-mail me and I will make sure you get one if you need it.

And by the way, if you're interested in the technical side of the Semantic Web and you're planning on joining Twine, you should check out Apps :: On Semantic Web & Related Applications. They've got some great stuff.

(Update: links to the twines added, although I'm not sure what happens if you click on those links and you haven't joined Twine yet....)

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